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GH2M - Accelerating the deployment of green hydrogen mobility in EU regions


The transportation sector is responsible for around 25% of total CO2 emissions in the EU-27, with significant negative externalities such as air and noise pollution. Achieving EU’s 2050 goal of climate neutrality necessitates the decarbonisation of the sector through a multi-pronged approach, single no single technology can currently provide a complete alternative for fossil fuels.

Green hydrogen (H2) has emerged as a viable option to decarbonise hard-to-electrify transportation. EU regions, to capitalise on this green growth opportunity, need to urgently address policy gaps and regional development disparities that have already emerged between advanced and lagging EU territories.

GH2M will enable the participating regions to foster and accelerate the integration of green H2 in their sustainable mobility and infrastructure planning, supporting the decarbonisation of hard-to-electrify areas of the transportation sector and emphasising zero-carbon synergies between urban and other types (e.g., heavy-duty logistics, rail) of end-use mobility applications. To this end, GH2M brings together 8 partners from 8 EU regions, which are currently at different stages regarding the deployment of H2-based mobility solutions.

Through joint policy learning and exchange of experience activities, GH2M partners will improve the implementation of their territorial policies, by building capacities and exchanging knowledge on how to:
-Accelerate the deployment of H2 vehicles in urban and heavy-duty transport (motor/land vehicles such as buses and trucks) and in emerging end use applications (such as rail, marine)
-Plan for effective refuelling infrastructure roll-out and building synergies among different end-uses in line with sustainable mobility planning
-Ensure that H2 mobility applications are integrated with the network of production and distribution of green hydrogen and renewable energy generation

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